UPCDWA (Uttar Pradesh Computer Dealer Welfare Association) executed the lucky draw event in lucknow, under the scheme of ‘Hamaara Tyohaar, Hamaara Bazaar.’ This scheme was launched by UPCDWA in UP from 10th To 31st Oct 2022. In this scheme period, any customer who has purchased a computer or printer from any of the computer shop of member of UPCDWA, was entitled to participate in lucky draw. Under this scheme, there are around more than 900 prizes including 5- motorcycle, LED TV , laptops, printers etc. in today’s event, lucky draw was done by a QR code system. On this occasion, President of UPCDWA told that there are many more schemes will follow in the coming time for the romotion of business of UPCDWA Members. Mr Devesh Rastogi, President FAIITA, was also present. He also briefed the members all the schemes which are being run by FAIITA. He also told about the upcoming online portel of FAIITA, by the name of Indiaitmall.Com , which will be launched on 15th Dec 2022 with the collaboration of ONDC. Mr . Vipul Garg , Senior Vice President, Mr Peeyush Jain, Vice President Mr Shiv Shankar, Secretary Mr. Mukesh Agarwal, Treasurer Of UPCDWA were also present on this occasion. Programme was co-ordinated by Mr.Vipul Garg.
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