UPCDA, an association to bring together all the computer dealers in Uttar Pradesh under one roof has organised a 2-day B2B exhibition, IT EXPO & Conclave 2022 at Ramada Hotel in Lucknow. The conference is held over the weekend on April 9th and 10th, 2022 in association with FAIITA and is the first of its kind organised in Lucknow, the city of Nawabs, with over 24 IT brands and nearly 700 partners and dealers.
IT Expo & Conclave 2022 will be attended by 24 brands including Make in India brands and will be visited by more than 600 partners for the two days. The Conclave enables us to dig deep into the world of IoT with the most premier platform to share and discuss leading-edge research and technological advances, enabling organisations to propel a new world of digital transformation.
The Conclave has on first day the opening ceremony and second day there is FAIITA Conclave. It is a unique platform for businessmen, leaders, information and communications technology (ICT) professionals, and academia to understand the key ICT trends and their impact on the industry sectors, enterprises, and workforce.
The platinum sponsors are RPTech, the gold sponsors are HP, Lenovo, Acer, and Dell, and the display sponsor is Samsung. Some of the brands which have participated in the event are Savex, Foxin, Brother, Lapcare D Link, Smart Station, LG, Prama, Cofe, Securenet Tally, Fortune Superton, Securenet and many more.
UPCDA has taken an initiative to join hands with IT Expo and aims to provide better knowledge and development. The IT Expo has been organised by UPCDA in association with FAIITA to create a great platform where telecom and IT professionals, business owners, and IT industry veterans have come under one roof to not only learn in conference sessions but also gain knowledge.
Speaking at the occasion, Mentor, UPCDA & Sr VP, FAIITA & Member of Governing body of MAIT, Mr. Devesh Rastogi, said, “UPCDA is a 15-year-old association and this event is being supported by 24 brands, including Make in India brands. Tomorrow, the annual general meeting of FAIITA will also be held here. We have about 600 partners who will be attending the event, and apart from that, we will be hoisting 70 other partners from FAIITA. This event is jointly done with FAIITA. “
Mr. Rohit Kohli, Senior President, UPCDA expresses his opinion, “We are quite excited to organise the Conclave as this is a platform for understanding the latest trends in technology. This event is the first of its kind as it is a mega IT event for two days which is attended by 700 people and creates an opportunity to learn. The election of UPCDA will be held at this event and it is indeed a proud moment for us and we thank all the partners and sponsor for making it a huge success. This is just the beginning and we look forward to organising such events in the near future. “
The UPCDA was established with the aim of establishing an association to bring together all the computer dealers in Uttar Pradesh under one roof. FAIITA is a national platform representing state level associations/federations and a standalone association of channel partners, engaged in the computer hardware trade, service providers, and system integrators in the field of information communication and technology business.
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