Thursday, April 25, 2024

Sparsh Announces Human Temperature Detection Solution During COVID-19 Pandemic

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Amid the outbreak of Covid-19, Sparsh developed “Human Temperature Detection Solution” for pro active detection of high temperatures which could help Indian Health bodies to keep track of people with high temperature during this outbreak and take necessary actions in order to control the outbreak.

Sparsh has launched at record timeframe the following Human Body Temperature Detection Solutions for early detection and screening for controlling Covid-19 Spread.

The solutions are capable of detecting and alerting temperatures above threshold levels by screening humans from distance of 1 foot to 10m which helps preventing human to human proximity and thus spreading of Covid-19.

This solution helps avoid human to human contact, rather a person can be sitting anywhere far and monitor the solution. This will help screening a larger population in public areas like Airports, Railways Stations, Metros, Hospitals, Bus Stations, Govt. Buildings, etc which becomes almost impossible if given a chance to be done by person(s).

Ideal to conduct screening safely and efficiently of those who may potentially be infected with flu. Body temperature of those infected is expected to be around 38~39°C while adult human normal temperature should be around 36°C. This camera can visualize such temperature difference instantly from safe distance for you to segregate those who may have been infected.

Human Temperature Detecton Solution uses face detection technology and the infrared energy that a body emits, which is invisible to the human eye. The system constructs a heat map and calculates the temperature.

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