Sony India announced the HXR-NX200, a new introduction to its NXCAM handheld camcorder line-up. Targeting at professional videographers and content creators, the latest camcorder is capable of delivering stunning 4K[1] images in beautiful color achieved by the newly refined color science. It is a cost-effective choice offering the entire professional features one needs in a robust yet compact chassis.
Positioned as an optimal choice for users venturing into 4K productions, the HXR-NX200 is capable of capturing 4K high resolution images, in addition to its excellent HD capabilities. This is possible with Sony’s 1.0-type Exmor R CMOS image sensor with effective 14.2 megapixel that achieves high sensitivity and delivers superb image quality in 4K. Further, thanks to the large high-resolution sensor, superior image quality when shooting in HD is achieved effortlessly. Built for hybrid videographers, the latest NXCAM camcorder also offers users the flexibility to shoot in 4K and cut out in HD during post production.
Geared towards the growing segment of hybrid videographers and multimedia creators in wedding photography, the compact and lightweight HXR-NX200 delivers stunning lifelike images beautifully with the newly developed refined color science. Developed based on the voice of customers, this major advancement allows the camcorder to express more vivid, deep, rich variation of colors and natural skin tones regardless of exposure condition. The well-balanced and true-to-life color reproduction is ideal for applications including live events, weddings and other festivities, as well in houses of worship, education and seminars.