Jiobook was launched in India in New Delhi at the India Mobile Congress in October 2022. Now, the country’s largest telecom operator is set to launch the second generation of its Android-powered laptop. An Amazon microsite teasing the product recently went live on the website teasing some of its details while showing the laptop in a blue colour option. While it doesn’t appear that the JioBook (2023) will arrive with many visible design changes, it is expected that the new device will boast internal upgrades. The company also released the JioBharat4G smartphone earlier this month, priced at Rs. 999 and is expected to launch a 5G handset in the coming months.
According to the Amazon microsite, one of the biggest physical differences between the 2022 and 2023 models of the JioBook 4G laptop will be in weight. The upcoming device, confirmed to launch in the country on July 31, is listed to weigh 990g, which is much lighter than the preceding model which weighed 1.2kg.
The laptop is confirmed to run on Android and will feature the company’s JioOS interface which was also present on the original JioBook. The microsite also confirms it will support 4G connectivity like its predecessor. Jio also claims that the second-generation JioBook will offer all-day battery life.
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