Friday, February 14, 2025

Dealers arrested for Selling Counterfeit Epson Cartridges in Mumbai & Chennai

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epson10-7-14In a bold and decisive move aimed at curbing the sale of non genuine/refilled Epson Ink cartridges, police recently raided the premises of M/s. ADS Technologies, Fort Market, and Mumbai as the said shop was found stocking and selling Epson Picture Mate (T5852) refilled cartridges. The shop was raided on 28th June and the owners were arrested in a swift and well-co-ordinated police action.

The owners were arrested and charged under the prevailing laws of the land with counterfeiting and violating intellectual property rights and subsequently remanded to judicial custody. Large quantities (202 No.s) of refilled cartridges were seized.  In an effort to send a strong message of zero tolerance towards the sale of fake cartridges Mumbai Police has done the raid in the Fort Market in Mumbai which has caused a major deterrent in the visibility and sale of counterfeit/refilled cartridges Subsequently on 3rd July in Chennai also the police raided the premises of two shops i.e M/s. Photo Point and M/s. Photo Park/ Info Traders at Chennai as these shops were found stocking and selling Epson PictureMate(T5852) Refilled cartridges.

The owners of the said shops were arrested for selling Epson PictureMate (T5852) refilled cartridges. Raid actions were done simultaneously on both the shops by dividing the team of 6 investigators and 8 Police officials into two. The raid proceedings commenced, that lasted for an hour wherein the accused were arrested and 289 Epson PictureMate refilled cartridges were seized in the entire process.

A very strong and effective message has been sent to all considering the fact that two raids have been conducted within a week in two major cities Mumbai & Chennai. A spokesperson at Seiko Epson Corporation said “We applaud the efforts of the Indian police to curb this menace and will whole heartedly assist and support the law enforcement authorities in all such crack downs.” He went on to say, “Epson takes great care to observe the law and regulations, and to maintain high standards of corporate ethics while at the same time expecting others to show appropriate respect for its rights. We will continue vigorous enforcement of our intellectual property rights to protect our innovative products against those who use Epson’s patented technology, trademarks, and other intellectual property without permission.”

Seiko Epson Corporation says it will move swiftly to help enforcement authorities for such raids in future to protect its interests and to protect the business of its authorised dealers.

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