Canon India announced the launch of CANON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, a unique service experience for all professional photographers in India.Now professional photographer can avail benefits such as repair and maintenance for registered Canon photographic equipment, access to technical support and services, solutions such as replacement support loan for Canon equipment in the event of loss, theft or damage. In addition, a member of CPS will also get invitations for events and forums organized by Canon.
Speaking on the launch, Dr. Alok Bharadwaj, Executive Vice President, Canon India said, “Professional photography is witnessing a new high in India. Through this platform, we aim to provide the most comprehensive and extensive services to Indian customers. We take great pride in providing top-notch services and support to all of our privileged customers. Canon has 15,000 Professional customers using our high end pro models who will be delighted with this new ‘value add’ from Canon. Canon Professional Services is a well-established forum globally and we hope to see a similar response in the Indian market.”
A CPS member can prioritise his/her membership level as per the requirement. A silver membership card holder can avail 30% discount on labor fee servicing and a Gold card holder, apart from 30% discount on labor fee can also avail free loan of back-up equipment during period of repair (if repair cannot be completed with 24hrs).
“At Canon, we believe in providing industry-leading support to our customers and this initiative is a step towards the same. Canon professional Services is an effort to deliver the best customer benefits to all Canon users. With the launch of the service in India, we desire to make it a successful programme to help imaging professionals achieve success in their imaging pursuits,” says Mr. Andrew Koh, Senior Director, Image Communication Products, Canon India.
The membership is available for full-time professional photographers who own officially imported Canon photography equipment. Professionals owning EOS 1D-, 5D- series – One body and at least three L-series lenses qualify for Silver membership and two bodies and four lenses for Gold membership.Services are available at all Canon Master Service centers in New Delhi, Mumbai , Bangalore, Kolkata and Chennai
We are also providing back up loaner equipment against priority repairs in New Delhi and Mumbai. At present, there is no membership fee attached for CPS other than the eligibility criteria.
The Canon Professional Service has been highly successful in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand with overall 700 members.