In a bold initiative to unify pricing across the nation, FAIITA has introduced the “One Nation, One Price, One Model” approach—a visionary step aimed...
In a significant development, the Federation of All India IT Associations (FAIITA), led by President Mr. Devesh Rastogi, has issued a notice to major...
FAIITA team made presentation on following points/issues before the Chairman, NTWB (National Traders Welfare Board) for consideration and recommending the same to Govt of...
FAIITA and UPCDWA successfully organized the 2nd Retail Conclave & IT Expo 2024 in Lucknow. NCN Magazine conducted insightful interactions with Mr. Devesh Rastogi,...
The Uttar Pradesh Computer Dealers Welfare Association (UPCDWA) and the Federation of All India IT Associations (FAIITA) jointly organized the second IT Expo and...
The Uttar Pradesh Computer Dealers Welfare Association (UPCDWA) and the Federation of All India IT Associations (FAIITA) proudly hosted the highly anticipated 2nd IT...
In an exclusive interaction with NCN Magazine, Mr. Devesh Rastogi, President of FAIITA, shares valuable insights into how the upcoming retail solutions will be...
The Uttar Pradesh Computer Dealers Welfare Association (UPCDWA) and the Federation of All India IT Associations (FAIITA) are excited to announce the 2nd IT...
Federation of All India Information Technology Associations popularly known as FAIITA is a registered national umbrella body representing Information Technology federations and associations from...
FAIITA, the National Federation of IT Associations representing IT Trade fraternity involved in Retail, Distribution, Services & Solutions, and UPCDWA, helping industries to develop. In...
FAIITA congratulates Shri Devesh Rastogi, President, FAIITA for being nominated as a Member of National Traders Welfare Board, Govt. Of India. Shri Devesh Rastogi...
KALP Decentra Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing global digital infrastructure and literacy, announced the appointment of Abhilash...